Bay Bells & Shark Tails Sponsors

Bay Bells & Shark Tails Sponsorship Agreement Form

Featuring the Eastport Yacht Club Lights Parade on Spa Creek!  All Sponsors will be invited to attend our VIP Cocktail Hour from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.

Some or all media outlets listed will be used to feature Sponsors: CoreShark H2O Website & Social Media, What’s Up? Annapolis Social Media, Local Neighborhood, Community, and Region Social Media Forums, Visit Annapolis Events Website, Downtown Annapolis Partnership, All Annapolis Facebook Page, Historic Charles Carroll House of Annapolis Facebook Page, Annapolis & AACo. Economic Development Corp.

In order to honor print-related sponsor benefits, we must receive your completed form, payment and logo no later than November 1, 2024.

Click HERE for the PDF Sponsorship Packet

Sponsor Level With Optional Event Tickets
Sponsor Level
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 60 MB.
Submitter Name(Required)
After submitting this form, you will be provided with payment options.
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